I think we surprise people when we say this…but, we miss England. We miss it a lot. Sure, we have been living walking distance to the beach in sunny Southern California, but there is just something...

I think we surprise people when we say this…but, we miss England. We miss it a lot. Sure, we have been living walking distance to the beach in sunny Southern California, but there is just something...
“Blighty” is a British English slang term for Great Britain, or often specifically England. The term is commonly used as a term of endearment by the expatriate British community or those...
Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory...
Just like after our first year, we put together a list of our favorites and stats to give a snapshot of our experience on our second loop around the globe that lasted around 8 months. If you would...
Different beverages from around the world can be just as much fun to try as convenience store snacks. To follow-up our blog of favorite snacks, we couldn’t resist giving a special shout out to our...
With a heavy heart, we dedicate this food blog to one of the individuals who inspired us to experience the world and all the glorious food it has to offer. Anthony Bourdain is an icon in the...
Our second trip around the world has now come to a close. We made it another 8 months and visited an additional 15 countries, so our total came to 20 months of nomadic living and 31 countries...
We had numerous friends and family members asking about all of our favorites when we were visiting in the US after our first year of travel. We haven’t had a great answer for most of them as it...