♦Guest post by Kari Redilla♦
I’ve had some pretty awesome birthdays in my life; sky diving over Florida lagoons, sideline for a Big Ben triumph, Roll R Skate and a bumpin disco ball. But this past one was incredibly special because I got to spend it jet lagged, freezing my a$$ off, and being force fed moonshine. Happy Birthday to me!
It all started, because like all of the Lovgren’s friends, I was scheming a way to hang out with them. After back and forth, dates and locations, work and play, I somehow persuaded them to meet me in Croatia, a country that I only knew from the World Cup final, was a bit difficult to get to, and was only famous for filming the epic HBO show. But yes, let’s go!
Tickets bought. Accommodation booked. Logistics made as wild as possible, I was beyond excited to spend my landmark day with my favorite people.
Mike and I met in Zagreb (I did mention the organization was complex) and drove a few hours west to meet the Lovgrens, who had flown into Split and would be Croatia-ubering inland.
Croatia is a gorgeous country. With small town after small town. Little old ladies selling their day’s produce road side, and a rolling country side that seemed to go on forever.

We arrived at the alpine lodge and were told that the Lovgrens had already checked in (over achievers) and would be in the room next to us. I bypassed Go, did not collect my $200 and went straight for Kern Ave. In true American fashion, I began to bang on their door. Keep in mind, this is a small place and probably filled with dignified guests. BANG! BANG! No answer. Yet I could hear them talking. What in the world could be so important to mask my arrival? Finally, Alysia opened the door, with what I can only describe as a look of sheer panic on her face. Not the greeting I was hoping for.
I can say it now because we all know, but that was the moment they were deciding to move back to the US. After some ancient Chinese water torture, I was able to drag the story out of them. My frenzy of happiness could not be contained. Until I realized that essentially, they were moving from 6 hours east of me to 6 hours west of me. But still, San Diego is an easier place to make up fake reasons to take a work trip.
Back to my birthday!
We had dinner at the lodge that night and it was miles ahead of spectacular. Maybe it was the local wine and fresh fish. Maybe it was the straight from the farm veg or just out of the oven bread. Or probably it was the big bottle of homemade plum brandy the waitress plopped on the table and said – drink.

The best thing about the Lovgrens, is that time stands still. It had been about 18 months since we had been face to face, and yet we didn’t miss a beat with sports fueled trash talk, meandering walks down memory lane, sciency stuff cooler than Sheldon could ever imagine. All of those warm fuzzy feeling good things. Full bellies and dare I say bursting hearts later, it was off to dreamland for this jet lagged fool.
The next morning was my official birthday and could not have started out better. Despite below freezing temperatures, we were up early and ready to tackle the buffet. How can you not have cake for breakfast when there are seven cakes for breakfast? The Viking-sized spread was something out of medieval banquet times. Who had slaved pre-dawn to put this together I did not know, but Bravo! Reaching back to the days when we had to fuel for 4 hour races, we re-engaged our eating muscles and convinced ourselves that the hike ahead was that of an epic training day. That buffet took a hurricane sized hit after we all breezed through.

The time we spent at Plitvice Lakes was spectacular. We arrived early enough to question our parking spot, having no other cars to dictate the arrangement, but also have clear hiking paths and gorgeous lake views. Pristine water. Cascading falls. And walking buddies I missed so much.

We took a boat, we climbed a mountain, we got lost down a path. We had meat sandwiches, we had frosty beverages, we had paprika pringles. And we had treats! Who carries Cadbury mini rolls hundreds of miles only to eat them on a summit overlooking a gorgeous valley. My girl Kern!

Clearly, we were burning through our breakfast at an alarming rate and needed more sustainment. Clearly.
Fast forward to the evening where we arrived to Split, stayed in a palace among the medieval city walls, ate cheese ice cream risotto with sea bass for dinner and I got to punch Jimmy. All of those things are true and were epically amazing; two of which were not even on my bucket list but should have been!

Cheers, mahalo and thank you to Jimmy, Alysia and Mike, for making this one for the books. It was truly Instagram worthy!

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